Episode 05: Marriage Equality and LGBTQ Rights on Guam


In recognition of Pride Month, Dr. Vivian Dames tells the story of Guam’s campaign for marriage equality through interviews with several people who played a role in the historic effort. They discuss how the movement gained momentum, the broader significance of the eventual legal victory, and current issues regarding LGBTQ rights and opportunities here.


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Episode Transcript


Episode Anchor: Vivian Dames

Dr. Vivian Dames is a retired professor of Social Work / Women & Gender Studies at the University of Guam with interest in community organizing, social justice, and social policy. She has been engaged in advocacy and community organizing related to social work and the human services, as well as prison reform, land use, welfare and economic justice, militarization, and marriage equality.

From 2010-2017, she served as director and anchor / host of Beyond the Fence, a weekly program that aired on KPRG - Public Radio Guam. It featured interviews and coverage of public events exploring the challenges of building community 'beyond the fence,' where U.S. military bases and other installations are located.


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Episode 04: Crafting a Covenant: The Founding of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands