Episode 07: Season Finale


This is the final episode of Season 1, so we decided to make it a bit different than the others by highlighting portions of interviews from past episodes that didn’t make the final cut, but that we still want to share with you. I’ll serve as this episode’s anchor, but you’ll still hear questions being asked by several of our previous anchors who conducted most of those interviews.

Sometimes these clips provide more context or a cool anecdote for a topic we delved into in a prior episode. Or, in other cases, they offer greater insight into the personal development of the interviewee, or their emotional state at the time of the events in question. And sometimes they speak at length about a different historical event or topic altogether than what the interview was officially about, but it still covers something we think our audience – you! — might find interesting.


Episode Transcript



Episode Anchor: Tony Azios

Tony is an award-winning documentary filmmaker, reporter, and multimedia producer, as well as the producer and director of Memoirs Pasifika. He’s taught EFL in South Korea and Pohnpei, as well as cinematography, photojournalism, film production, and visual anthropology courses at the University of Guam. Tony earned an MFA in Film and Electronic Media from American University, and a BA in International Studies (minors in History and Journalism) from Manhattan College. His work has appeared in The New York Times, NPR, CNN, PRI’s The World, The Christian Science Monitor newspaper, PBS FRONTLINE, Al Jazeera English, The Guam Daily Post, The Kaselehlie Press, and others.


Episode 06: Revival of Traditional Seafaring in the Marianas